Minecraft Story Mode Wiki

Shipper: Inspired by Wooooooooooooooohooooooooooo! (aka RushDoesNotArt on dA), we are going to do the Wedding Meme today!  

Nikki: Yey! This is gonna be fun! We've never done a meme before!

Nick: And for whom's wedding is this for?

Shipper: Why, Petra's of course! (Due to reader suggestions)

Nikki: Ooh, coooool! I've always wanted to know what her wedding would look like!

Shipper: Let's begin!

The Bride\Groom: Jesse

Shipper: HA! I knew it! #Jetra!

Nikki: Huh. Funny how even the website ships them. You think we're taking it too far?

Shipper: IDC I SHIP IT!

The Best Man: Nick

Nikki: Well, at the very least, that's accurate, I guess. 

Nick: Uh, no it's not. How can I be his best man if I wasn't even BORN when they were married?

Ring Bearer: Radar

Shipper: Owo That's ADORABLE!

Nikki: Lol! I'm visualizing him in a tiny tux just skimming the hallway with a pillow XD

Flower Girl: Olivia

Shipper: Innocent and smart! The perfect traits for a flower girl!

Wedding Planner: Nikki

Nikki: Of COURSE I'd plan my brother's wedding! Why wouldn't I? 

Nick: Because you'd blow up the church with special effects or something.

Nikki: What? Haha! No, I wouldn't! *pushes box of explosives under table with foot*

The Preist: Warden

Shipper: ...The worst part is, that would make sense.

The Bridesmaid: Reuben


Nick: Talk about putting lipstick on a pig! LITERALLY! HAHAHAHA!

The Chef: Otis

Shipper: Okay, I can work with that. So long as he doesn't serve porkchops...

Father-in-Law: Lukas

Shipper: Wait...so that makes Lukas...PETRA'S DAD?!

Nick: Well, in his defense, he DOES have many dadly traits.

The Overjoyed, Crying Mother-in-Law: F! Jesse (Jenny)

Shipper: The Internet ships Lukesse as well.

Nikki: I guess it's only fair, since Jesse and Petra have their own TellTale ship thread. 

The Jealous One: Romeo

Romeo: I was in Jesse's dusty-____ing skin! Why didn't she fall for me?! I'M ____ING ROMEO!

Shipper: Oh, so all you wanted was a kiss?

Romeo: Yeah, I guess I could've settled for that...

Shipper: Then you can kiss my ___hole!

Nikki: *MLG air-horn*


Wedding Crasher: Aiden


Nikki: *whips out war tank* Ain't no jerk-off sinking MY ship! And he CERTAINLY won't ruin my big bro's special day!

Nick: O_O;...I'm just gonna...*ducks for cover*

The Photographer: Stella

Shipper: OMG, are you serious? She'd probably take pics of herself half the time, I guarantee it.

The One Who's Wedding I'm Jealous Of: Harper

Shipper: She and Ivor got alchemists to do EVERYTHING for them! And it was soooooooooo cool! Lucky studs.

Nick: *halfway into a piece of Ivor and Harper's wedding cake* Hm?

The Person Who's Only There For Cake: Axel

Shipper: Obviously it's the giant who eats. Got any other cliches coming our way? *train that reads "ENDING WITH A JOKE" on the side charges in and hits Shipper* OW! WTF?!

Nikki: *holding a remote control* Sorry! But to be honest, you were kinda asking for it. Anyways, guys, comment and follow this blog post if you wanna see more random memes! We might even make this a series, if you wanted! And if you wanna do the meme yourself, click this link! https://www.random.org/lists/

Nick: What do you mean? We have the AoD show! (Or is that getting old now?)

Nikki: Till then, fellow Wikiers! Laters!
