Minecraft Story Mode Wiki

[You can use this theme for show your opinion! Just put on your blog title : " What I Learnt from MCSM "]

I wanted to do a fun personal opnion about what I've learnt from MCSM! 

Before to start, this game made me incredible feelings : happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, confused, etc..

It's one of the best game I've ever played of my life and I don't even regret to have played it many times! The game brought me to a fantastic experience of choices of actions and of personalities.

So let's start with 10 things MCSM learnt me! :

1. It make me think about how I need to react in real life situations.[]

We all know MInecraft Story Mode is a game of destiny and choices, but many persons doesn't know how to react through people in real life. This game show not matter how the situation you have always time to think, you can even be silent if you don't want to answer, the choice is your! With this example, I started to answer people's questions easily and through situations too. even if I'm trying, I love to use MCSM for help me because with it I can be myself, with your choices you do : positives negatives or silent, it will define who you really are.

  • Positives : You are ready to help persons and risk your life to save their life not matter what, you want to show you are available for them.
  • Negatives : You only care of your own business and problems, you think you are the only one who are capable of anything and you don't care for the other persons.
  • Silent : You are a shy person you don't know how to react and answer, you wait for people to come to you and you prefer to hear other persons opinions. 

2. []

(coming soon!)
